Get Listed

All users are manually verified and then listed to avoid impersonation. The process is time consuming and hence patience is required.

Get Verified & Listed Faster

There is a one-time fee associated with listing your profile at authifyFame. You can also opt to purchase an expedited process. An expedited process will get you listed faster than the normal verification process. Once the payment is completed, you'll receive a form to submit links to your websites and profiles.

Buy Expedited Service

You'll get a faster verification when you buy an Expedited Service(1). Choose on the service below for faster verification.

Silver (Within 7 Business Days)

Gold (Within 3 Business Days)

Diamond (Within 1 Business Day)

(1): The first contact will be made depending on the service you chose above. You'll have 7 days to complete the verification from the date of contact, unless explicitly mentioned. Costs mentioned for one user per usage. If you fail to complete the verification within the allotted time, you may have to repurchase. Failing to adhere the rules of authifyWeb will result in termination of Expedited Service and no refund will be given. Expedited Service may not be valid for a new service/profile or filter added. All purchases are final and no refunds will be allowed. Incase you have any doubt please contact us before you purchase an expedited service. Donations nor expedited purchase does not guarantee you getting listed. The service is for individuals themselves or those who represent a company. Fan pages and fake profiles will not be listed under any condition.